Sunday, April 27, 2014

The MOST offensive, shocking, unprofessional response I have EVER gotten from a company.

I will let the screen shots speak for themselves. 

Also, since these messages were on FaceBook, you will see my personal profile name. As I'm sure you can understand, this is my personal page, and I hope no one will be offended if they send me a friend request I do not accept. 


  1. Wow, unbelievable! They won't last long with that attitude! Sorry you had to deal with that. :(

    1. I am very taken aback. They will definitely not last long if this is how they treat customers with questions.

  2. Their reply shows complete ignorance on their behalf of what is required of them by law if they want to market themselves abroad, it is also completely unnecessary for them to be quite so rude as you were asking legitimate questions and most small businesses are delighted to answer questions on their policies openly and honestly for customers. Definitely agree they won't last two minutes with that attitude.

    1. It's unfortunate that they were unwilling to be civil. This could have been a very positive learning experience for them. If this is how they welcome questions, I wonder how they have any kind of customer base.

  3. Oh my goodness!! Can't believe that they would speak to you like that! Well, thank you for showing us so we can avoid them! Rach xx

  4. Woah! They just didn't get it, did they?! They kept digging the hole deeper with their snarky comments/answers, not quite understanding that these were standard questions you ask of every new company you do business with. Ya gotta love the part where they said to "look it up on Google" because EVERYTHING on the internet is true, right?! haha You were right to point out the un-truths and dishonesty that we all come across when asking these questions and props to you for your clear, concise responses. Makes you wonder why they were so quick to go on the defensive, though. ♥

    1. Very true. Companies that are not transparent and forthcoming with answers to such questions will bring suspicion upon themselves. It's very sad that they chose to handle my very standard questions so personally and unprofessionally. It seemed as if they thought I was lying about that being standard procedure for many people. .

  5. Wow...I am completely stunned by the sheer lack of professionalism this company displayed.

    1. I am too. They also posted a status about it on their FB page.

    2. Ugh. I saw that! I left a comment. I can't even believe they tried to defend their actions and make excuses. It doesn't matter WHY you were asking, what matters is there you, a potential customer were asking and it would have served them well to happily confirm that they are in fact cruelty free. Instead, they were rude and lost a lot of business.

  6. Geez... Their response was uncalled for. She can't hide behind depression like that and expect to be successful.

    1. The whole thing was very bizarre and illogical. I never expected that from a company.

  7. Um, TL;DR to the end, but it is really weird that they treated your innocent questions as an accusation that they test on animals. I never buy from companies that act like I'm insulting them by asking questions about their products. Way weird... I wouldn't buy from them.

    1. I agree. Something is up when a company acts this way about some standard questions.

  8. Hi Andrea, a fan of your channel here! It's too bad they took it the wrong way. Whether or not you have a PR person, I think it's only basic politeness involved when someone inquires about your company/products.

    1. Hi! Glad you like my channel =) It's very strange that they took this so personally. I guess they don't understand they disconnect between business and personal.

  9. i've been sooo behind on my blog reading but i had to read this...un.frickin.frackin.believable.....i dont understand where you were insinuating that they test on animals,It's like this individual had multiple personality disorder and was shifting with each response....i mean seriously. The individual who stated to be a man just turned on a dime.....thats scary. some people need to be very heavily medicated, and not allowed anywhere near the public

    1. This has been the most bizarre experience I have ever had with a company. I have gotten so many kind, warm responses from companies who were more than willing to reassure me and answer my questions. I never thought that a company would take standard questions personally. I honestly don't know if I believe the that there ever was actually a second person. I wouldn't be surprised if it was all the same person. These people should definitely not have a business and claim to want to answer people's questions if they can't handle themselves better than that.
